Iskalnik je našel 3 ujemanj

Napisal/-a Michal
Torek 14.8.2012 8:49:39
Forum: Lesce - Bled
Tema: 21. mednarodno srečanje Lesce-Bled, 16.-19.8.2012
Odgovori: 63
Ogledi: 26898

Re: 21. mednarodno srečanje Lesce-Bled, 16.-19.8.2012

ciaooo everybody,
I with my sister are going to Bled tomorrow evening. We can sleep over near borderline with Germany and on Thursday we will arrive for opening ceremony :wink:
we are looking forward to you.
Napisal/-a Michal
Sreda 15.6.2011 13:42:33
Forum: Tujina
Tema: VW Attack 2011 Czech Republic
Odgovori: 68
Ogledi: 30220

congratulation for you jurney. I was very sorry, I was in north of Europe on holiday and I returned on Sunday morning. We will see in Blad :wink:
Which meeting will be your next ?
Napisal/-a Michal
Sreda 15.6.2011 13:36:03
Forum: Lesce - Bled
Tema: 20. mednarodno srečanje Lesce-Bled, 18.-21.8.2011
Odgovori: 118
Ogledi: 47327

Beer, hmmmm, I arrive and drink with you, ok sm3.gif
See you there, hasta la vista